Sunday, 8 May 2011

Occupying Streets @ StreetsMethodologies2011

Over 24 hours between 5 and 6 May, eight people from many different discipline backgrounds joined the workshop on street analysis methodologies. After a briefing and discussion at Slade Research Centre in Woburn Square, there was a walking introduction to the audit tools, and team members returned to observe at various hours of day and night.
Some sounds were recorded, notes and maps were made, and all of the resulting drawings, sounds and photographs were shared on Friday morning at the Slade.

See/listen also

UCL CitiesMethodologies2011 

details (

Occupying Streets (updated 04.05.2011)
24 hour Street Design analysis workshop
Greg Cowan, assisted by Izis Salvador Pinto

>>10.00am Thursday 5 MayCitiesMethodologies2011: UCL Slade Research Centre, (Woburn Square, WC1H 0A)

Briefing: We go on a field work excursion to Caledonian Road, Kings Cross; 1 mile along Euston Road.
Complete worksheet, parts a/b/c/d at agreed time within 24 hrs
return by 10.00 on Friday 6 May / Pin up worksheets at Slade Research Centre Woburn Sq, compilation of findings and discussion with facilitators (online

1.Briefing: Practical field work street appraisal exercise: observe, record and engage with the study area, testing a) analyse users, b) analyse building form and use, c) analyse permeability, and legibility (map)
consider drawn and three-dimensional modelled analyses, including scale analysis and use-coding.
TIMELINE: 11.00 ----16.00 --- 21.00 --- 01.00 --- 06.00
a/.USER ANALYSIS: shopper, worker, 'street population', commuter, child, visitor/tourist, etc

use – function (residential, entertainment etc)
form – age, height, style
legibility – what is it – can I find it? - is it useful to me?
permeability – can I get through – can I see in? – do I feel safe going in or through? - accessible along my way?

c/ MAPlocal observations
wider links
social and physical
transport issues

making street safer
more accessible
more enjoyable as a place
W. H. Whyte suggested that by observing and by talking to people, we can learn a great deal about what people want in public spaces and can put this knowledge to work in creating places that shape liveable communities. We should therefore enter spaces without theoretical or aesthetic biases, and “look hard, with a clean, clear mind, and then look again – and believe what we see.” (

>>10.00am Friday 6 May
Pin Up at Slade Research Centre Rm 5 or hand to GC

Further References
William Holly-White (1975) 'Street Life Project' in Ewing, McGowan, Speed & Bernie, eds (2010) Architecture and Field/Work 2010, p72 [see also accessed 4 May 2011]

Peter Jones, Marion Roberts, Linda Morris 2007 'The contribution of local high streets to sustainable communities' JRF Joseph Rowntree Foundation [online] accessed 4 May 2011

Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation 2010 'Manual for Streets 2; Wider Application of the Principles' accessed 4 May 2011
Transport for London (nd) London Streets [online]  accessed 4 May 2011

Transport Advice Portal 2011 Vulnerable Road Users [online]: accessed 4 May 2011

Public Realm Information and Advisory Network (2011) 5 Easy Wins [online] accessed 4 May 2011

English Heritage (2010) Street Clutter Audit [online] accessed 4 May 2011]

Street: Caledonian Road, Town: King’s Cross
Observe and note:
Who and what occupies the street
moving people and animals
stationary people and animals
moving vehicles
stationary vehicles

Street: Caledonian Road, King’s Cross
Buildings and Active Frontages / Activities
Footway sentient / inanimate occupations

motorised/unmotorised vehicles
upload sounds:

location  ___ Caledonian Rd / __ cnr _________St.  
your rating  ------secure/safe
your rating  ------attractiveness
your rating  ------usability/condition -

Suggestions – street improvements

(use a separate sheet)

feedback on Methodology

(see also -
(this note:

Sin Map of Victorian London

1. Circus Road "Suspect Books beneath Floorboards"
7. Euston Road "Tableaux Vivants"
14. Willis's "Indelicacy in the Dancing"
35. Bow Street "Visitors.. often indulged with a lewd song or half-naked dance"
53. Rotten Row "the cream of the courtesans rode in their carriages"
pilot interviews

Participants K Stok, C-M Teon, C Naki, S Char,  T Newl, Y-K Hin, L Chau, J Polv, R Sal Pin, abs M Whit, Y dl B


Anonymous said...

Thanks for Sharing!! Nice Blog.Hire a Dedicated Local Architects for Architectural Design ServicesLondon Architects

London Decorating and Painting said...

Nice post! Very informative. They don't make buildings like these anymore! at least not often enough. As for your project, I think it's good to look at whole streets/blocks when planning a city and implement certain codes for newer buildings that come up. Nowadays people tend to look into what they want for the design only rather than thinking of how theirs can impact the community or the overall architecture of the area. Thanks for sharing and keep it up! Cheers!

Kevin Akins -

Decorators London said...

Great read.

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